Saturday, February 24, 2007
I had just added a haloscan comment box,
at the bottom of every post,
do leave a comment and tell me wad you think about that particular post.
And also,do tag at my tagboard too.
Thankyou (:

Alright,i think i 'm blogging too much.
Frm thursday thailand trip,
friday chingay parade,
and today new yr celebration at my grandma hse (:
Had slept late yesterday,around 1.45am after the chingay preview
Woke up around 8am in the morning,
had my breakfast and went to grandma hse.
Had recieved lots & lots of angbao (:
We had waited quite a long time for aunt to arrived,
about 11am to 1.30pm?
Oh man,they are soo late and not punctual D:
But while,nevermind..forget it then.
Alright,had take alot of fotos.
And played zheming gameboy,
it makes me think of childhood time,
where i'm alwaes crazy about gameboy and addicted to it.
I remenber that when i am in p1,
i alwaes play gameboy and i don't even study for exams.
And my exams results were atrocious,
and i am still staring at the gameboy and kept playing and playing.
I think i had get addicted to gameboy,
and my dad is soo unbearable dat he threw the gameboy on the floor,
the whole gameboy spoiled and the screen had a crack.
He was soo angry lah.
But after dat,i still had play gameboy but not dat much.
And as i grow,my gameboy just kept in the cupboard for a number of yrs without touching it.
Because now gort computer,hahahaa.
Gameboy is so CHILDISH&CHILDREN can ~! :D
Alright,nth much happened today but is fun ! :D
I am goin to sleep soon,
tired tired tired !
I hope u guys enjoy reading my entry yea?
It takes lots of time to have one entry,especially the thailand trip which wasted me alot of my time.
I had atually blogged till halfway wif alot of fotos,
and half way my computer hang and i had to restart somehow.
My effort and time just goes down to the drain,
and i need to squeeze out my juice frm my brain again -.-
Uploading pics takes alot of time ok,
so i hope u guys will appreciate it (:
Gtg,byeee !
Friday, February 23, 2007
Chingay parade 2007 !

Beautiful lights hanging on the trees :D

Flowers came alive :D

The 8 little childrens,who are the 8 immortals in heaven.Aren't they cute?(:

Good fortune god,i wan more money ! =)

This bunch of performers,once they see camera they will post(:

The females :D

Went to chingay preview just now,
it was absolutely great(:
After school,after having my lunch at home.
I had proceeded to kovan heartland to met maychin,
and i had asked peiling to come along too :D
Oh ya,i forget that peiling is the vice-head of department of maychin,
hahahha and is dam funny.
Had a fun time chatting wif maychin on the mrt,
she kept on listening to her MP3 and pestering me for her presents.
Anyway,she didn't requested much.
She just want a '' NO COMMENT,JUST GO AND ASK MY LAWYER '' badge,which cost only 2dollars =)
and she complained that her classmates were always making fun of her and kenneth together.
And whenever people go and make fun of her,she will reply '' NO COMMENT ''
But now,she can show the badge and the person can read it their own.
And dat was such a wonderful thing isn't it? (:
Went to bugis to met peiling in national library,
her attire was thrash =x
She left wif about 30cents and she atually wanted to went back home to take some cash.
But then,i called her to stay at the library as time is running out.
And she only left with one cash card in her wallet,haha.
Anyway,i was making fun of her like the whole day.
She was sooo funny,we started to take mrt to orchard.
It was such a big crowd,and we found out we should be sitting at the mat infront of the seats.
Because out tickets indicated half lane.
Yeah!It was such a perfect view than standing up.
Had bought potatoe chips along,so dat we can have sth to munch during that peformances.
And i bought chocolate cake and famous-amous cookies too.
Was joking all along,some were super lame jokes but some were super funny :D
While,after the whole thing ended,we took mrt.
Arrived at kovan and i took bus home.
And now i'm here blogging,
seriously tired.
Alright,i think i shld go and catch a sleep.
The next day,will be goin to grandma hse and ANGBAO (:
Anyway,happy birthday to miss chan,peishan and last but not least MAYCHIN [:
And remenber,next friday is my birthday ok?
I wan lots & lots of presents ! (:
Alright,i wan my bed now.
Take care people,have a good sleep yea?
Good nite.
Countdown:5days to my birthday,2nd of march :D
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Hey,i'm back once again ! (:
While,today i'm goin to blog about thailand trip during new yr.
Went to thailand,had lots of fun.
Remenber to check out interesting fotos later on yea? =)
Slept around 4.30am in the morning after new yr eve.
Wake up at around 8am,haha.
Everything is prepared and took a cab wif my mom and dad to budget terminal.
Was some kinda excited,3 yrs since i had taken aeroplane.
hahahahaa,sounded as if i didn't take aeroplane before :D
Reached budget terminal,but other of our family members haven't arrived.
I think they r still at bugis for their breakfast.
So we waited for them ..
and a moment later they arrived.
Me and my sis decided to take foto to kill our time.
Here are some of the fotos we took in budget terminal :

Soon after,we check in and there were lots of shops inside.
Me and my sis saw some really nice and cool sunglasses,
and we decided to take a foto.
The salesman were so busy dat they didn't even notice we r taking foto using their sunglasses.

Was a little bit hungry,and we wanted to have a quick bite.
We bought delicious cookies,it was soo nice :D

And when the departure television show tiger airways gate number,
all people started to rush.
Hate it so much,taking tiger airways is a wrong choice.
Last time at changi airport,out seat is alr printed in the tickets..
and it is alr reserved for us,no other people can snatch.
But this time,tiger airways is first come first serve basis.
Wanna have a good seat? must be dam fast.
And u noe,singaporeans are soo 'kiasu' somehow.
When we are at aeroplane,before taking off.

After about 1hr 15mins,we reach thailand.
It was sooo fun cuz what we did is..
The goods sold there were soo cheap and afforadable compared to singapore.
And u can alwaes bargain for a discount? hahhaa :D
Reached hotel,check out the fotos =)
Hotel fotos :

And guest wad,we'r so shock to see liondance,dragon performing outside our hotel.
They put up such a great peformances,
i love the firecracker so much ~!

After the peformance.
We went to have our dinner and shopping.
Bought lots of stuff and went to have birdnest.
Oh man,i miss dat birdnest sooo soo much after 3 yrs.
Alright,a long day and we went to rest after dat.
A new day starts again (:
Woke up early in the morning and followed my parents go and buy breakfast.
After dat,we went back to hotel for buffet breakfast too.
The hotel buffet were super lousy,
food is soo cold and not being heated,
and it just sucks somehow.
Lots of people complained,but i don't see any improvements though :(
And the rest of the day,
we went temple praying wif a van.
And there was one temple,whereby outside u see is just like nothing.
But inside,there were so many nice rocks and tunnel.
We need to passed through alot of tunnels,lots and lots of different routes.
And some rocks were sooo low dat we need to bent down,
and make sure we don't hit our head,hahahahaha.
Its sooooo fun (:
Bought lots of stuff,bargain bargain & bargain (:
And at thailand,they seem to be no stress like singapore.
And after dat,we went to one veri nice hill.
We took a lot of foto ok ~!
It was soo beautiful and nice,nice skyview =)
And there were strong winds blowing too,this feeling were super relaxing.
If you are angry,mayb u can think of screaming at there?
I'm sure it will works :D
And hey,we bought sunglasses.
It only cost 4 sing dollars,and it looks super cool & hot.

Reach out ur hand and touch the sky (:

Star jump?
We had our last shopping,we buy anithing we want frm the streets.
And ended up everyone left wif veri little money.
Hahhaaa,went to buy shoes,and others.
Just trying to enjoy every single moment we had and not regret by not buying anithing frm thailand.
hahahhaha,and last but not least..
We buy alot.alrite mayb not alot but i think it can last veri long =)
And i see veri nice seashells in the shopping mall,
and time past fast.
3 day 2 nite just past like dat,
and soon after we had our dinner..
we went to international airport.
We had to passed through some really dark road.
Wad i mean is there were no light,the only light source is the car torchlight.
And there were not many cars,many building.
The only thing we saw is jungle,tree around us :(
and it was super scary while we are on our way to international airport.
But the good thing is there were no traffic jam on the journey,
i think it is some sort of short cut.
Haha,aniway a veri funny stuff.
We had a total of 9 people,and my uncle left wif 90dollars (thai money)
Our hotel level is level 9,and our london taxi plate number is 995..
weird uh ? hmmm.
Reach singapore around 1am in the morning,
and 2.25am i slept and 5.30am i wake up to prepare to school.
And now the time is 7.33pm,i haven't even rest ~! :D

Hey,so sorry guys.
Is a super long post (:
Let me end this memorable post wif one picture :D

Countdown:6days to my birthday,2nd of march :D